Type in a term consisting of one or more words. Then press the enter or tab key to get the corresponding symbol in the selected language. As terms may consist of multiple words, the space key does not trigger a symbol lookup.
The symbol is also known as a pictogram. Some terms may have multiple pictograms. Press on the displayed pictogram to see the other ones.
There may be terms with the wrong or no pictogram. Spanish speakers were the target of the original database creators and expansion to other languages is still work in progress.
The address bar is updated as terms are added or deleted. Using the expanded address, you can share the page including those terms and the language setting. The pictograms will be added automatically.
The erase button on the top-right will clear all text and pictograms at once. To remove a single pictogram card, press backspace once more after deleting all its associated text.
The page is printer-friendly: only terms and pictograms will be printed out.